Monthly Archives: February 2016 2016 impressions

This weekend I travelled to Brno to attend conference. In the last years I also gave there jBPM presentations or helped with a workshop. This time I went to Brno only as a visitor and I concentrated on visiting some interesting presentations on Saturday.
In the following lines I’ll try to resume and sum up my thoughts and impressions from the conference talks.

Docker for Java EE developers

Ok, Docker rocks. I was wondering if it was possible to just prepare a Docker image with a dev-ready application server for use in development. I face the following situation – setup of development environment takes quite a lot of time like hours or days. So it would be perfect if one could just use Docker image for development environment setup in couple of minutes. But when the Docker is running the prepared image, you often need to replace .war file with developed application. And from my point of view I think that one needs to know several unnecessarily complex Docker commands in order to do that. So it is not so easy to be used. Easy use is very important for me. It’s possible that I am missing something, so any comment below the article will be very appreciated!

C# on Linux

Open sourcing of .NET framework by Microsoft looks really interesting and promising. I look forward to the future, perhaps one day C# and .NET ecosystem will replace Java? 🙂 As a Java developer I have to admit the fact that Java has some design issues that were addresses well by newer C# language. On the other you do not have to use problematic syntax of Java, you can just stick to latest and/or proven techniques to overcome these minor shortcomings. I mean for example checked exceptions, getters and setters etc.

Reactive extensions/programming

This talk was really interesting. Good topic and good presentation with simple and nice examples. Now I am motivated to try this stuff in an example project. I’ve also heard before an opinion that doing concurrency stuff in reactive way can substantially minimize risks of race condition issues. So time to learn it!

Let’s encrypt Best Practices

I find security topics always interesting, not only because I studied IT security, but I was always fascinated by inventiveness of both people who develop the security technologies and algorithms and then those who misuse security flaws.

Go for Java developers

Main focus was put solely on particular differences between various Java and Go language constructs. Some of them I liked and some not. I heard also that it’s troublesome to debug in Go, because there is no debugger available. It was difficult to imagine how Go development works in reality.

Gentle introduction to Node.js (not only) for Java devs

I have already attended a talk about Node.js previous year. This time at least I learned something new once more. Interesting technology to try it out!